fredag 9 december 2011

Tuorism gives culture understanding

It has been long acknowledged that travel opens the mind. In the past, however, the purpose of travel was only to take part in an even-handed, two-way learning experience with people of other countries and cultures. Up to the 19th century, when Europeans traveled beyond their continent’s borders, they tended to harbor some kind of colonial attitude. Europeans at that time mostly considered foreign cultures inferior, primitive and barbaric. Terms like “expedition, or voyage of discovery”, which are still in use today in some areas. As a tourist, I would be open to learning something new, and give respect to the environment I find myself in. I will not pratise superiality but rather attempt to fit into the their environment and society.
Each year more than one million children are used in the sex industry worldwide. Child sex tourism is defined as commercial sexual exploitation of children by men or women who travel from one place to another, usually from a richer country to a less developed country where they have sexual intercourse with children under 18 years. Child sex tourism exists in many forms, but generally these are grown men when traveling away from home pay in cash or in kind for sex with children. Women also commit atrocities, but they constitute less than 5% of the total number of sexual offenders.
This offense is an offensive attack on the children's dignity and a violent assault on children. This sexual exploitation of children have several consequences for these children and can cause permanent physical and psychological trauma, disease including HIV / AIDS and lead to addiction, unwanted pregnancy, malnutrition, social exclusion and in some cases death. As a touris
t, I will stay away from sexcual all activities especially under-age people. It is very abusive and dangerous to pratise this commercial acts and if arested you can get long tine in prison. It is very important to learn and get to know your touris destination laws and noms so that you can observe them without getting your self in trouble.
I will take responsible for my actions during my tour abroad and will definitively not contribute to animal suffering, I will not accept any culture as an excuse for cruelty, nor will I contribute economically to such conducts. I will practice good behavior, treat animals with respect and avoiding dishes if it includes bush meat or contributes animal cruelty. It's an old saying that if you want respect you must treat others with repekt. This can only be achieved by considering and respecting others when you are in their territory as a tourist.

You need to get a better understanding of the mindsets and culture of the population you have visited. One must learn to understand why things are as it is by learning something about the country's politics and economic cultures and alongside gives credit to their institutions. When traveling, do your best to avoid all criminal activities and follow the noms and laws, by so doing you will absolutely have a good time and experiences.

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